Gills first day of school. Similar to Jonas' experience last week. Confusion, mayhem, chaos. Hoping tomorrow is better. Ramping Gill up is way more time consuming and hands on than it was in Jonas, who is 2 years his senior after all.
Ed had a 4 hour conference call followed by an hour and a half conference call. I had a few phone conversations and a lot of desk work. The kids would not join us on our walk, which we took at 4:30. Ed and I hunted Pokemon and took photos for this weekend's photo scavenger hunt challenge.
About 6 years ago, Ed planted and espaliered 3 pear trees on the west side of our house. He manually pollinates them, and this year, for the very first time, he got a bloom!
I went out to the grocery for a few more supplies, many cool ranch doritos which I've been craving, and Fresca, which I REALLY crave.
Ed made steaks for dinner and we added special intentions to our grace.
In the news:
- 784,716 cases worldwide, 37,639 deaths, 165,370 recovered
- 1031 cases in Missouri, 13 deaths, 15,645 tested
- 368 cases in Kansas, 8 deaths
- 4,025 cases in Louisiana, 185 deaths, 1,158 hospitalized
- 163,807 cases in the US, 3,008 deaths
- Trump extends social distance guidelines through 4/30
- Dr. Fauci (NIH Director) warned that we could see millions infected with 100,000+ deaths
- FDA approves a 5-minute COVID19 test
- Coronavirus can travel from bats to human lungs
- Moscow in Russia is now practicing social distancing
- Dow Jones closed at 22,333

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