Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Covid-19, Day 7: Happy St. Covid's Day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

This is how the day started; they all wore green and didn't even realize that it was St. Patrick's Day.

Gill & Jonas: LEGOS!
Ed's company has told everyone to work from home. but I'm still going to campus. I worked this morning, but received messages to start planning for work from home. I took all of my plants home, leaving by 1pm. Today is the first day of decent weather (50 degrees, overcast, but no rain) so we are taking the kids for a hike. Ana and Gonzalo come today and we need to get out of the house to give them space to work. I told them we would still pay them, but they did not have to come. Honestly, my boys need to learn how to clean toilets, so if there's a silver lining to this social distancing, let that be one of them!

Ed's home office on the side porch
We stopped by McClains bakery to order from the sidewalk through a window (not meant to be an order spot, but they are making it work!) and we ate as we traveled to Line Creek Park in NKC. What a lovely 2 mile hike we had! We saw waterfalls, other people, and lots of nature. It's still pre-spring ugly here in Missouri - all brown and bare. If you look hard enough, you can see small signs of spring...the insects are return, there are a few green weeds and blades of grass.

Family Pic @ Line Creek Trail

As I type this entry, I note the time....6pm. In a different reality, we would be on a plane to Orlando right now.

In the news:
  • we are officially in a recession
  • the DOW had it worst single-day drop in history
  • 7 million people in San Francisco are told to shelter in place
  • gatherings of 10 or more people are prohibited (except for schools or churches)
  • gun sales have increased by 5x in some areas
  • Canada is restricting entry
  • France is on lock-down
  • the US Supreme Court postpones oral arguments for the 1st time in 100 years
  • Kansas cancels school for the rest of the academic year.

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