Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Covid-19, Day 21: Neighbors being neighborly

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Gill needed rosin for his violin. We could have ordered it from Amazon. Instead, we asked Adam, our neighbor and Gill's violin teacher.

The weather has been so nice; I'm eager to plant something. Our longtime neighbor, Phyllis, offered up some tiger lillies recently dug up from her yard.

Both gifts involved emails and no contact. Items were left on the stoop or side of the house. Friendly, but lonely.

Ed and I worked hard today, and the kids attended their online classes. Things went a bit more smoothly for Gill though we are still working out kinks.

Gill at his new desk (my old spot) using the Chromebook
and his gaming headset which glows green
In the news:
  • 857,957 cases worldwide, 42,139 deaths, 178,091 recoveries
    • 12,428 deaths in Italy, 8464 in Spain, 3,532 in France
  • 1,327 cases in Missouri, 14 deaths, 15,645 tested
  • 368 cases in Kansas, 8 deaths
  • 5,237 cases in Louisiana, 239 deaths, 1,355 in hospital
  • Dow Jones closes at 21,914
I read the Times Picayune to stay in touch with what's going on in Louisiana. It's very dismal there so I was happy to see this. 

This is how you Covid in NOLA - bikes and violins

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