Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Covid-19, Day 15: Avocado Ground Hog's Day

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Started the day with more avocado toast.

Avocado toast with fresh basil, tomatoes, and Everything But the Bagel seasoning
Next, I attended an AFPKC Google Meetup where we discussed cancelled events: how everyone is handling it (transferring sponsorships to operating, hosting virtual events). It was a sobering glimpse into how nonprofits are being impacted by this pandemic.

The afternoon weather was beautiful, sunny and 71. I had to oust the boys and making them play outside. They ended up having fun with each, walking around with staffs, which were really just mop handles. I worked a full day and at 5:30 joined a Facebook live group hosted by my friend Aimee to discuss Tiger King.

At the end of the day, we had dinner with the kids which is a happy circumstance of this pandemic, more quality evening time with our kids. (Note that I said evening time. During the day we tend to ignore them, except to help with lunch, as we are both working, and that feels a little sad.)

Nacho average dinner (note my margarita)

After dinner, Ed and I went for a walk in the neighborhood and hunted Pokemon. A special bonus was seeing the filming of a rap music video under a pedestrian bridge near our house. We got our steps in today.

Rap video production

I've been watching the business news. Our top local companies, Sprint, AMC, Kansas City Life Insurance, Waddell & Reed, Hostess, they are losing their shirts. The top loss, a REIT company (real estate investment trust) lost 75% of their value. Here's the graph I learned all of this from:

See the one company experiencing considerable growth? Guess what that is. Payday loan company. Makes me sick. 

In the news:
  • 441,187 cases worldwide, 19,784 deaths, 111,933 recovered
    • China has the largest number of cases but Italy has the largest number of deaths
  • 225 cases in Missouri, 5 deaths (30 in KC)
  • 98 cases in Kansas, 2 deaths (both in KC metro)
  • 1,795 cases in Louisiana, 65 deaths, most in Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes
  • Prince Charles tests positive for Covid-19

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