Monday, March 23, 2020

Covid-19, Day 13: First Day of HomeSchool

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, 3/23/20

In addition to personal hygiene, going outside, and chores, here's what I asked the kids to do today:

Assignment #1: Move Like Me

1) Pick an animal
2) Research its movements
3) Replicate (copy) its movements using your body, nothing more
4) Video your results
5) Share

Assignment #2: Today in History

1) Tell Alexa good morning
2) Ask her what happened today in history
3) Listen to the full Wikipedia story
4) Report out to the adults, using any of the following:
a. Write a paragraph
b. Write a haiku
c. Google slides
d. Draw a picture
e. Using things from the house, set up a scene and take a photo
f. Verbal report
g. Write a song about it (lyrics only or lyrics + music)
h. Make a Lego construction about it and explain

They did none of these things. I thought they were fun assignments and am really disappointed. How to motive them? I will have to figure out a different strategy for tomorrow.

Ed and I worked all day. Then we had dinner together. Then we watched TV. They watched Adventure Time; I watched Tiger King.

In the news:
  • 351,731 cases worldwide, 15,374 deaths, 100,430 recovered
  • 106 cases in Missouri (16 in our county), 3 deaths
  • 64 cases in Kansas, 2 deaths
  • Dow Jones closes at 18,717

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