Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Covid-19, Day 1: Changing Times

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Well, we've been watching COVID19 start in Wuhan, spread to much of China, trickle into Italy and Korea.

The kids are in school, but the first implications for the US have hit. There are multiple cases on the west coast, and most states are reporting at least 1 case. See "In the News" below.

Here in Kansas City, we are beginning to feel the unrest.

Today, at work, our Boston-based Urban Education Forum speaker, scheduled for tomorrow, cancels. I had several fundraising announcements + the Hugh J. Zimmer Excellence in Urban Education award presentation to former mayor Sly James fall to pieces. And we spent months planning this forum, with more than 200 attending, including press.

I managed to keep the donor dinner than evening planned.

*big sigh*

In the news:
  • 113,000 cases of Covid19 worldwide
  • Italy puts its 60 million citizens on lockdown
  • Per US Surgeon General, average age of death from Covid19 is 80 and symptoms take 5 days to appear
  • CDC tells people to defer cruise travel
  • US has 732 confirmed and presumptive positive cases of Covid19 with 26 deaths; 180 of those cases are in Washington state. 
  • 10 states have declared a state of emergency
  • President Trump announces a 30-day suspension on travel to Europe, except the UK
    • He announced economic relief (small business loans and payroll tax relief)
  • Biden and Sanders continue to vie for Democratic presidential nomination; Cory Booker endorses Biden

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