Sunday, March 15, 2020

Covid-19, Day 5: House Rules

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Ed goes to a trustee's meeting at church. The fish fry events have been cancelled. He comes home and says there weren't enough people for a quorum.

I've started making a sheet of house rules for the boys. Here's what it says:

House / Family Policy

You must check off on 4 things daily:

____        Hygiene (30-45 minutes)
                       ___ brush teeth
                       ___ wash face + hands
                       ___ get dressed
                       ___ Shower + wash hair every other day
        ___ Wash hands for 20 seconds before eating, after
bathroom, etc.

____        Get outside (1 hour)

                       ___ 2x daily for 15-30 minutes each

IDEAS: walk around the block, ride bike, Pokemon go, Brookside Trail, scavenger hunt (make them for each other)

NOTE: you can do this with friends if you don’t touch and don’t get close (6 feet)

____        Create + Learn (2 hours)
Create IDEAS: legos, painting, weaving, coloring, playdoh, box fort, sheet fort
Learn IDEAS: read a book or magazine, IXL, school work, online learning, engineering worksheet (sent via email), scholastic:

____        Help around the house (1 hour)

Options: empty dishwasher, load dishwasher, wash clothes, fold clothes, put away clothes, empty recycling + trash, put out recycling + trash (Wed night), tidy your room, make your bed, tidy the living room, tidy the study, sweep patio, sweep front walk, water plants, feed fish.

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