Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Covid-19, Day 14: Stay-at-home order starts

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Today is our first official "stay-at-home" day as ordered by Kansas City's Mayor, Quinton Lucas, though we've been living according to these new rules for the past 10 days or so.

It's overcast and dreary right now. It rained all night, though I never heard it. See previous post about Kansas City rain. Started my day with avocado toast.

Avocado toast with fried egg and purple basil

It's been tough getting Gill motivated. Jonas is dressed and ready to go, already reading a book. We want to take a family walk this morning, but Gill says he's too tired to get out of bed. I suspect that the weather is getting him down.

Jonas and I went for a bike ride around 8:45. Biking in the cold makes your hands really cold. Jonas, who has already learned this, wore mittens. We hunted a few Pokemon, spun some stops and 1 gym, rode up and down the large hill, and then went home because we were starving.

Later in the morning, Ed had the kids sign on to their online classrooms, and there were things for them to do. Gill had fun with the ABCYA site, which embeds learning in video games.

Gill on the Chromebook, learning grammar ABCYA
I  went to Costco over lunch. I had not been out of the neighborhood since Friday. Though I was looking forward to the outing, it was awkward and uncomfortable to be out. I used wipes for the cart and only touched product that I purchased. The checker scanned my card and I held my receipt up for the door guy. There were lines on the floor showing people where to stand so that they could maintain a safe distance. Once I got home, I had to wipe all of the product I purchased with a bleach solution. The plastic egg container was particularly difficult so I just laid it in the sink and blasted it with the bleach solution.

This afternoon, Jonas attended Capoeira via Zoom meeting. Ed cast it onto the TV from his phone.

I had a brief but fun Facebook group gathering with Aimee and Susan. I discovered filters and accidentally took some pictures.

An alien (me), Aime, and Susan
We ate dinner together and then Ed and I watched 3 episodes of Tiger King; we are stunned by the characters in that documentary.

In the news:

  • 392,780 cases worldwide, 17,159 deaths, 102,980 recovered
  • Spain had 550 deaths yesterday - the greatest number in one day so far. They have reserved an ice rink for a morgue as they will run out of room. 
  • 183 cases in Missouri, 3 deaths
  • 82 cases in Kansas, 2 deaths
  • 1200 cases in Louisiana
  • Dow Jones closed at 18,584

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