Jonas is now over 7 weeks old. He is able to lift his head and hold it up. When placed on his stomach, he can move his head from side to side. From this position, he also lifts both legs up at the same time. When he lifts his head and legs at the same time, it looks like he is body surfing. It’s fun to watch him do this while on Ed’s stomach.
His repertoire of gurgles is growing. He makes an “arh” sound. His Nonnie says that’s his way of talking; I think it’s her favorite sound.
Physically, he is really fattening up. At the new mom’s group that we attended yesterday, he weighed in at 11 pounds, 12 ounces, with clothes and a diaper on. He looked like a giant next to newborn twins. However, the 7 month old girls could have beaten him up with one hand tied behind their backs. He’s a healthy eater, and burps quite loudly. The air he expels from his “other end” is quite loud as well, and sounds like it was produced by an adult!
He still struggles with gas, and generally only cries when he has pain from gas, or is overtired. We are trying to start a nightly ritual with 9:00 p.m. diaper and clothing change, gripe water (bicarbonate, ginger, and fennel), and pacifier. It takes him about 90 minutes to find a calm, lasting sleep. He wakes about every 3 hours to eat, but goes right back to sleep. Our pediatrician cautioned us to keep him in his bassinet on his back, rather than let him sleep in our bed, or on our stomachs. Even though he greatly prefers to sleep with us, we had managed to wean him to the bassinet. This week, however, he seems much fussier, and will only sleep with us. We are still trying to reinforce the bassinet, though, as our queen sized bed just isn’t big enough!
When he yawns, he makes a small “O” with his mouth which then grows to a full sized yawn. When I go to change his diaper, he stretches both arms and legs as full as he can. He is fascinated by the slats in his crib.
Some of Jonas’ new tricks
He grabbed a burp towel and brought it to his mouth. This may have been an accident, but I got excited.
He’s beginning to smile, but these moments are handed to us sporadically, and are still rare. When he’s entering REM sleep, he smiles often and even laughs. On Father’s Day, Jonas gifted Ed with a full blown smile that was not sleep-induced.
He has a small red birthmark on the back of his head. His eyes are true blue, and we hope they’ll stay that way. His eyelashes and eyebrows are blond, but his hair is a light brown, with some blond mixed in. It’s as soft as corn silk.