Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Vogt Family, July 2008

Vogt Family, July 2008
Originally uploaded by vogted

After 15+ years of battling melanoma, Ed's father, Bill, passed away on Wednesday, July 23rd. He had been wheel-chair bound and at home for the past two years under the excellent care of his wife, Karla, and some kind people from Wayne County Hospice. Although the cancer had spread significantly, he seemed to never be in pain.

We traveled up to Wooster for the Catholic funeral mass and military funeral, just returning back home today. Ed's 4 siblings convened from various scattered points throughout country (San Jose, CA, Pittsburgh, PA, and Greenwood, AK) resulting in an impromptu reunion. Jonas got to meet them all at once! This is a photo of the clan at Ki's home. Ki (short for Karla) is Ed's twin sister. She's posed next to her yellow lab, Molly. The other lab was Bill's dog, Maggie. Ki and her husband John (the tall fellow with hair) just built this bright and spacious home in the middle of Ohio Amish Country, complete with corn fields, panoramic views, and no cell phone coverage.

Although everyone was really sad about Bill, it was nice to be so surrounded by family. And the Vogts are a family that know how to gather close. There were many funny stories shared about Bill, including his limited baby sitting ability. Hopefully, Ed's sister Betz will send the narrative she wrote up about this soon. I'd love to post it here.

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