Nonnie visited this past week and weekend, and we had lots of adventures with her. Most importantly, Jonas turned 6 mos old during her stay. We went to our 6 month visit with the pediatrician, and Jonas received his scheduled immunizations, except for Hep B, which I declined. He is now 27 inches long, which means he's grown 2 inches in the 30 days. No wonder nothing fits! Also, Jonas has another tooth coming out on the bottom, and one on top. In the past 6 weeks, he's cut a total of 4 teeth. He's added prunes and peas to his food repertoire, and is still not sleeping through the night, although he managed to go 4 hours at a time last night rather than the usual 2. I'd say that's progress.

On Friday, we decided to venture to an outdoor activity here in KC known as "First Fridays" which basically involves art gallery hopping within a 20 block area of midtown. Here's how we dressed Jonas for the chilly event:

Does he look warm enough? He was really laid back (pun intended!) the whole evening. Because he'd had his immunizations, I was worried he was having a reaction. But no. As soon as we took him out of this warm, comfy snowsuit, his default (active) personality returned. I think this suit restricted his movements and kept him so warm that he was forced to relax! I wonder if we can get one in his Poppa's size?
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