I'm so excited! Jonas slept from 11 pm to 5 am last night. That's a record! He generally sleeps in 2-3 hour blocks, so this is a HUGE step. I'm not foolish enough to believe that it's the beginning of a trend, though, and here's why. The real reason he slept that long is because he exhausted himself crying. Generally, when he cries, someone (mostly me, Nonnie, or his father) is there to comfort him immediately. There is one exception - the car seat. Jonas is a cranky traveler. He does not generally like his car seat. I have learned to sit in the back with him and bottle feed him breast milk when he cries. Of course, this is impossible to do when traveling alone, which is what happened yesterday.
Jonas and I took a trip to visit my college buddy, Shelly (yes, same name, same spelling) in Lake Charles, which is a 75 minute drive from Lafayette. Here's a wonderful photo of Shelly, looking like a Madonna, and Jonas:

Jonas made it to 45 minutes before he started screaming. I was able to exit the interstate (there was stopped traffic - boy do I hate I-10!) after about 15 minutes to nurse and change him. However, on the way home, it was dark, and stopping was not an option. He screamed for about 30 minutes straight. I knew he wasn't hungry or dirty as we had just left Shelly's house. I talked to him, gave him his binky (yes, with one hand while driving) and even sang. Poor child. Maybe that's why he cried. I can't seem to remember the lyrics to any songs! I can sing about 10 words, then I start to make things up. Sad thing is, I'm not very creative so it comes out like "hush little baby don't you cry, momma's gonna buy you a pizza pie" and so on. Pathetic. So I resort to a religious song I know from high school. Although it's in Latin, there are only 3 words: Dona Nobis Pachem. It means "give us peace" but in my mind, I was thinking, "please child, give ME some peace!"
Bottom line: I'm not going to torture the child into screaming fits so he (and by default, I) sleep well at night. But it HAS entered in my mind.
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