Thursday, April 9, 2020

Covid-19, Day 25:

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Today was house-cleaning day. Our target...bathrooms. We have four, so Ed + Gill took two and Jonas + me took the other two. Gill said it was much easier than emptying the dish washer, which is shocking. I disagree as I despise cleaning bathrooms.

After cleaning, I made a gumbo, from scratch.

Homemade roux
It was chilly outside, but we sat down on the patio to play Throw Throw Burrito which is a strange combination of card game + hot potato. It was hilarious and fun. Everyone but Ed achieved the Fear Me badge status. And yes, Jonas was wearing his onesie pajamas. He has 4 pair, and rotates one per day. He is not the least bit concerned about being outside in such attire.

Jonas was the 1st to win the Fear Me badge
I was the 2nd to win the Fear Me badge
Gill was the 3rd to win the Fear Me badge
We ate dinner (gumbo) together. Gill likes the rice and gumbo juice, but no meat. Jonas only likes the rice. He sometimes puts cheese on the rice. We had potato salad, which the boys declined to try, and french bread, of which they eat their weight on regular occasions.

Today, I continued to enjoy the flowers in our front yard. This one makes me think of my dad as he loved the color yellow.

Yellow tulip at sunset
In the news:
  • 1,203,099 cases worldwide, 64,774 deaths, 246,893 recovered
    • In first place: 312,146 cases in the U.S., 15,362 deaths in Italy
  • 2,291 cases in Missouri, 24 deaths, 27,193 tested
  • 698 cases in Kansas, 21 deaths, 172 hospitalized
  • 12,496 cases in Louisiana, 409 deaths, 1726 hospitalized

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