Monday, September 21, 2009

Random Thought on Acronyms


What do these letters means to you?

When I was in high school, they meant "public display of affection" - i.e. kissing or holding hands. If you were fast and racy, you might engage in PDA.

Well into my career, PDA morphed to "Personal Data Accessory" - I started with the Palm IIe, moved on to the phone / PDA combo (Palm Flip and Moto Q) and am currently shopping for new options as Jonas managed to tear part of the face off of the Q.

Recently, PDA on my calendar now means "Parents Day Out" - formerly known at MDO - Mother's Day Out, this new PC version encompasses BOTH potential parents and/or genders. Jonas is not overly fond of PDA, and I'm trying it out as a way to wean me from him and vice versa. He needs a little playtime with others. And frankly, so do I. But it breaks my heart when he cries and acts like he's dying when I leave. So lately, I've been going to PDA too, and hanging out with the teachers who really don't know what to do with me. But I'm stubborn, and want to help him transition. It's only been one week, and I promised myself not to keep this up beyond week 3. He's there 2 days a week for about 5 hours each time, and I only stay for the 1st hour. Oh, and yeah, I usually show up early to pick him up. And I miss him so much!

Funny how some things stay the same in life, but really aren't the same at all.

POSTSCRIPT: About 6 hours after I wrote this post (at 4:00 a.m. in the morning), my eyes popped open. Parents' Day Out is PDOhhhhhhh! Is this pregnancy brain or just sheer ditziness? I've been marking PDA on my calendar. So sad.

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