Sunday, September 13, 2009

Papa's blog

I should have done it long ago, but I have some time now, so I guess Papa (Dad?) will blog a little bit. If you just read Shelly's last blog, you know that we are all here in San Fran. Normally, I'm at work all day and don't have the opportunity to spend gobs of time with Jonas like I've been able to do here.

One things for sure, Shelly & I have different parenting styles. The things that each of us will let him explore are different, and the things that we won't let him explore (danger!) are different. Sometimes the things that Shelly allows freak me out, and I'll admit, I am quick to admonish Shelly. I guess the shoes on the other fit, but enough about me....

Jonas is really developing well. He seems to have a new trick everyday now. Once a day, I find myself saying 'he wasn't doing that yesterday'. Between communication and motion he does quite well. He makes a lot of noise right now, but he isn't saying too much. The strange thing is that I've heard a lot of different words from him over the past 3-4 months, but he seems to say them once and then he's done. Almost like he's tried it out, proved that he can do it, and he's holding out until he's got it all put together. Even so, he makes a lot of noise, and it's pretty clear that he is working on consonants. We will see soon.

He's taken a liking to riding on my shoulders. Of course, that means I can't see him when everyone else can. Everyone says that he's smiling and happy when he's up there, but I have little proof other than some photos. He might just be smiling for the photos.

His ability to move around has gotten a lot better. He now runs everywhere and can get away pretty easily. He pushes this boundary pretty well. When you are trying to block him, he scans back and forth knowing that you don't want to knock him over. Next thing you know, he's found a hole and he's off. These skills may prove valuable in soccer or hockey.

I know when we get back to KC, we are going to have to re-baby-proof the house. So much that he couldn't get to before, he's going to climb to. I may have to figure out a way to bolt down the TV.

More later...

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