Friday, April 3, 2020

Covid-19, Day 24: TGIF

Friday, April 3, 2020

It was another day of working hard. I was at my computer or on the phone all day. Though I felt satisfaction at being so productive, I felt guilt about ignoring my kids. Being home with the kids has been a joy. Being home with the kids and having to work is not a joy.

I read something today that really resonated: "We are not working from home; we are home, coping with the stress of a pandemic + raising/educating kids, trying to work."

The weather was bitterly cold outside today, and drizzling. There is ice on the plants and the temperature is 32 but feels like 23.

Mom's car needed new brake pads so I took it to our local garage. It seemed like I was their only customer today. I wore a mask and disinfected my car. Wearing a mask makes me feel like a freak. Our culture norms do not reinforce wearing masks. It will be interesting to see how that shifts.

Started the evening with drinks and a fire, and then watched the Disney movie, Onward, with Gill and Ed. It's a lovely film about 2 brothers who lost their father and try to work magic to bring him back for a day. It made me miss my mom.

An Old Fashioned and a warm fire

In the news:
  • 1,097,909 cases worldwide, 59,131 deaths, 225,942 recovered
  • 2113 cases in Missouri, 19 deaths, 24,727 tested
  • 620 cases in Kansas, 17 deaths, 151 hospitalizations

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