Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The littlest Democrat visits Atlanta

Jonas and I traveled to Atlanta to visit his Nonnie, Aunt Desi & Uncle Joel. Plus, he'll get to meet his Aunt Tara. Aunt Desi is the one responsible for this onesie.

The BIG NEWS is that Jonas has started rolling from his back to his tummy. In fact, he now just rolls around the room. He can really cover some ground with this new trick so we'll have to be super-observant to make sure he stays out of trouble.

Meanwhile, Nonnie is busy working up a fresh batch of loving names to call him.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pumpkin & Poppa

Before she left, Nonnie bought Jonas an adorable onesie that says "My First Halloween" and came with a pumpkin cap. Jonas decided to try on the cap today, and his father was inspired to wear his own. Why do they have such similar wardrobes?

While here, Nonnie illustrated an impressive array of endearments for the baby, including:

  • Booba
  • Sweet Little Boy
  • Tiny Little Boy
  • Angel Baby
  • Sugar Bee
  • Sweet Baby
  • Turkey Bird
  • Tiny Whiney
  • Sugar Baby
  • Tootsie Wootsie
  • Warm Bear
  • Honey Bun
  • Monkey

Not to mention the requisite "cher bebe" that every Cajun grandmere resorts to. My personal favorites are these:

  • Love Boat
  • Sugar Booger

Not sure where she got those, but aren't they fun?

By comparison, Ed and I have a dismally short list:

  • Son
  • Little Boy
  • Love
  • Boo Boo

Pretty unimaginative, huh?

Speaking of imaginative lingo, there are tornado watches here at the moment, and the meteorologists are whipping themselves into a frenzy, using terms like "rain wrapped tornado" and "dark wad of scud clouds." This is the land of "thunder snow" after all. My theory is that they have a serious case of hurricane envy.

And speaking of that, please keep your fingers crossed and your prayers offered for our friends in Texas! Go home Ike!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jonas in the buff with a grin

Jonas in the buff with a grin
Originally uploaded by vogted

And how could I forget to post this?

Quick Update

I know it's been awhile since I've posted. The past two weeks have been wonderfully full of time spent with Jonas and his Nonnie. Here's some of what we've been up to:

  • Painted living room, including trim.
  • Sewed and hung fabric cornices.
  • Set up a new changing table in the nursery so Jonas can start sleeping in his crib, which we had been using as a changing table.
  • Shopped for winter clothing for Jonas.
  • Shared lots of meals with wonderful people.

The most fun, however, was a brief hour spent at the photography studio. Here's my favorite:

But I like these too:

We plan to return to the photography place with Jonas' poppa in the near future, so be on the lookout for more pics. I hope Jonas doesn't go blind from all of the flash photography! It's amazing how he looks more and more like Ed each day.

Jonas has really been growing like a weed. He is now 24.5 inches long (2 feet - woohoo!), and weighs over 14 pounds. Yes, he has officially doubled his weight! We are still breast feeding, and will start cereal sometime in the next 2 months. He is using his fingers and hands more each day, and can now grasp items and bring them to his mouth. He's still trying to work out the coordination, though, and it's hard to watch him struggle. He loves to watch your mouth move. It's so much fun to watch him try to move his mouth and tongue in mimicking your own. He laughs regularly when tickled, or when you make outrageous sounds and movements with your mouth. I'm often a bit embarrassed by the weird noises I'll make in an effort to get him laughing. He laughs more for his Nonnie than anyone else.

Jonas had his 4 mos check-up last Friday, and I finally broke down on the vaccinations. He got DTaP, Prevnar, and Rotavirus. I opted out of hepatitis B, polio, and HIB. The last two aren't real risks these days (no active cases in the US), and the hep B can wait until daycare or nursery school. This decision caused me much inner turmoil. Although Ed was okay with the scheduled vaccinations, he let me hold back a bit on the number and timing. Jonas will eventually get all of his vaccinations, but I want to take it slowly, and ask lots of questions along the way. I hope this is the best decision, and the right one for me. It was a difficult appointment, and I'm glad Nonnie accompanied us. He cried only with the 2nd and 3rd shots, but was soothed easily. He did run a slight fever, and was a bit cranky that evening. Otherwise, he seems to be in perfect health.

Nonnie was gracious enough to babysit while Ed and I also enjoyed a night out - dinner and a movie. I didn't miss Jonas for the 1st hour. Then we walked into a restaurant and I heard a baby laugh. When I looked over, the child was about Jonas' age, and I missed him acutely at that moment, as well as for the rest of the evening. I never seem to tire of time spent with him. It's like a drug, and I can't get enough. Sick, isn't it?