Friday, June 23, 2017

Kitchen Update #4: Desk Demo

We finally got a dumpster delivered, and have moved everything out of the kitchen. 

Well....truth be told, not everything is out of the kitchen. The last bits of "things we don't know where to put" are hanging out in almost-empty, doors-torn-off cabinets. Things like cleaning products, large pots, old spices, wire racks, and a random watermelon. We both keep acting like it's not there.    

Ed took the day off of work to try and fill that dumpster so he can have it emptied and returned for the weekend's major tear-out. His focus area today is the desk area near the back door. We moved the refrigerator last week (right side of this photo) and the desk tear out is on the left. 2nd photo is after plaster and lathe removal. The door to the right is for basement stairs; the door to the left is to the backyard. He finished all of this in less than 2 hours. 

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