Sunday, April 19, 2020

Covid-19, Day 40

Sunday, April 19, 2020

It was a lazy Sunday but with some productivity. I did laundry and fixed the washing machine. Ed fiddled with his bees. The boys stayed on screens, though Gill did have a violin lesson and a brief in person visit with Dylan who rode by the house on  his bicycle with his dad. We had a backyard / driveway fire pit evening with the Johnsons, complete with smores.

Ed made bread. We all took a turn at Beat Saber on the VR system. I've been reading Ann Patchet's The Dutch House and am engrossed.

In the news:

  • 2,297,712 cases worldwide, 158,202 deaths
  • 764,177 cases in the U.S., 40,591 deaths
  • 5,667 cases in Missouri, 171 deaths, 55,837 people tested

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Covid-19, Day 36: Tax Day (not)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

We did not file taxes today. There was an extension because of the pandemic. 

Ed's homemade bread with mom's homemade figs. 

Karla's Drunkard's Path quilt with clean to-be-folded clothes

In the news:
  • President Trump halted U.S funding for the World Health Organization because he apparently believes that it mis-managed the corona virus. 
  • The Florida governor declared professional wrestling as an essential business which allows contact.
  • Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden for president. 
  • The University of Missouri System (4 universities, including the one I work for) must cut $180M in the next 60-90 days. Furloughs and layoffs are coming. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Covid-19, Day 28: 3-hr WebEx Meetings

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

I'm sitting at my desk on a 3-hour interactive presentation (i.e. I have to pay attention) on data analytics. And my view from my desk is the street. And the weather is gorgeous, sunny and 80. And I keep watching people walking their dogs, riding bikes with their kids, and strolling with their spouse. It's miserable. But I did eventually get outside to take a look at these pretty gals.

More photos of my free, surprise tulips
And I had a great lunch break.

Leftover chicken and sausage gumbo with potato salad
When I finally broke free of work for the day, Ed and I went for a walk. As we typically do, we hunted pokemon.

An Apom photobombed my Raquaza
As we walked through the neighborhood, I noticed, with pleasure, the quiet. Few cars, no loud music, no sirens. All of the houses were lit from inside. As we headed back home, we stopped to look at the moon. A couple were outside their home, also looking. They were friendly, and chatted with us. I find that people are more aware of each other these days. 

Full Pink Moon - brightest supermoon of the year
In the news:
  • 3,307 cases in Missouri, 53 deaths, 31,654 tested
    • 219 in Kansas City, 1,203 in St. Louis
  •  900 cases in Kansas, 27 deaths, 223 hospitalized
    • 422 in Kansas side of the KC metro
  • 16,284 cases in Louisiana, 582 deaths, 1,996 hospitalized

Covid-19, Day 27: Just another manic Monday

Monday, April 6, 2020

Worked until 6:30 (7 for Ed) then pulled the Easter decorations down from the attic. We have a ton of plastic eggs, and I spent about 2 hours placing fine wires through the holes at the top so that we can decorate the trees outside.
Eggs in a basket, ready to be hung in the trees
I also bedazzled our front door with some paper hearts that I cut out from a red folder. The flowers and birds nest are holdovers from last year. We have two real bird nests on the drain pipes on the north and west side of our house. I can see the mother bird sitting in the north-facing nest. Years ago when I was pregnant with Jonas, they nested in the same place. We can see them from our bathroom window. It was affirming to see new life at that personally significant moment. 

Front door is all flowers and hearts - do boys live here?
The boys attended online classes in the morning. They generally stay at their computers when they're done, so all 3 (Ed, Gill, and Jonas) are on the side-porch office for most of the day. It's a bright, cheery room with plenty of desk space to spread out. They each have their own chair and their own mess. As much as I fight against it, they bring food in there. I'm trying to teach them to sit at the table or bar when eating, away from screens. I want them to eat mindfully, and not get in the habit of stuffing food in their mouths, barely noticing what and how much they are eating. Also, we have ants in that room.

Apparently, another problem with bringing food in that room pertains to how loud the food might be. Hence the Dorito problem referenced in Ed's tweet below.

In the news:
  • 1,347,892 cases worldwide, 74,808 deaths, 284,802 recovered
    • 368,196 in the US, 136,675 in Spain (2nd)
    • 16,523 in Italy, 13,341 in Spain (2nd)
  • 2,722 cases in Missouri, 39 deaths, 31,654 tested
  • 845 cases in Kansas, 25 deaths, 198 hospitalized
  • 14,867 cases in Louisiana, 512 deaths, 1809 hospitalized
    • 70% of those who died are African American; they make up 32% of the population
  • Dow Jones closed at 22,656

Covid-19, Day 25:

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Today was house-cleaning day. Our target...bathrooms. We have four, so Ed + Gill took two and Jonas + me took the other two. Gill said it was much easier than emptying the dish washer, which is shocking. I disagree as I despise cleaning bathrooms.

After cleaning, I made a gumbo, from scratch.

Homemade roux
It was chilly outside, but we sat down on the patio to play Throw Throw Burrito which is a strange combination of card game + hot potato. It was hilarious and fun. Everyone but Ed achieved the Fear Me badge status. And yes, Jonas was wearing his onesie pajamas. He has 4 pair, and rotates one per day. He is not the least bit concerned about being outside in such attire.

Jonas was the 1st to win the Fear Me badge
I was the 2nd to win the Fear Me badge
Gill was the 3rd to win the Fear Me badge
We ate dinner (gumbo) together. Gill likes the rice and gumbo juice, but no meat. Jonas only likes the rice. He sometimes puts cheese on the rice. We had potato salad, which the boys declined to try, and french bread, of which they eat their weight on regular occasions.

Today, I continued to enjoy the flowers in our front yard. This one makes me think of my dad as he loved the color yellow.

Yellow tulip at sunset
In the news:
  • 1,203,099 cases worldwide, 64,774 deaths, 246,893 recovered
    • In first place: 312,146 cases in the U.S., 15,362 deaths in Italy
  • 2,291 cases in Missouri, 24 deaths, 27,193 tested
  • 698 cases in Kansas, 21 deaths, 172 hospitalized
  • 12,496 cases in Louisiana, 409 deaths, 1726 hospitalized

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Covid-19, Day 29: BBQ & Bagpipes

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Not much happened today. Work for the adults, school and video games for the kids. We did have a break at 5:30 when John Toddle came by to play the bagpipes. We rustled up an audience of about 40 people, and he asked for a whiskey so I obliged. I am my father's daughter after all. (Kids - your grandfather like his whiskey with a little ice, and had his own still). 

I usually put Easter stuff in this basket; instead,
it is full of provisions, right next to the front door.
Desi made Ed a mask with nuts and bolts.
Gill likes his LSU mask from Aunt Desi
It fits me too!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Covid-19, Day 26: No hike Sunday

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Ed went for a walk this morning, and the boys slept in so the house was uncharacteristically quiet. I slept until 10:20, awakened by Ed's loud voice; he was greeting the boys. I cannot remember when that last happened, and it was GLORIOUS.

I had grand ambitions to go on a hike with the family today. But we could not convince Gill to leave the house. So none of us went anywhere. It was very frustrating. At least Gill moved around a bit while playing VR.

Gill playing Beat Saber, a VR game we all love

Ed spent much of the day working on a concept he has for storing energy. He is quite excited about it. It would be a gamechanger in the energy industry. 

There is no news today because I didn't check it.

Add caption

Friday, April 3, 2020

Covid-19, Day 24: TGIF

Friday, April 3, 2020

It was another day of working hard. I was at my computer or on the phone all day. Though I felt satisfaction at being so productive, I felt guilt about ignoring my kids. Being home with the kids has been a joy. Being home with the kids and having to work is not a joy.

I read something today that really resonated: "We are not working from home; we are home, coping with the stress of a pandemic + raising/educating kids, trying to work."

The weather was bitterly cold outside today, and drizzling. There is ice on the plants and the temperature is 32 but feels like 23.

Mom's car needed new brake pads so I took it to our local garage. It seemed like I was their only customer today. I wore a mask and disinfected my car. Wearing a mask makes me feel like a freak. Our culture norms do not reinforce wearing masks. It will be interesting to see how that shifts.

Started the evening with drinks and a fire, and then watched the Disney movie, Onward, with Gill and Ed. It's a lovely film about 2 brothers who lost their father and try to work magic to bring him back for a day. It made me miss my mom.

An Old Fashioned and a warm fire

In the news:
  • 1,097,909 cases worldwide, 59,131 deaths, 225,942 recovered
  • 2113 cases in Missouri, 19 deaths, 24,727 tested
  • 620 cases in Kansas, 17 deaths, 151 hospitalizations

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Covid-19, Day 23: Just another Thursday

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Started the day by sweeping out the garage where the Corvair sat for a year. It was filthy. I put the Corvair back in the garage as rain was expected. This time, I was smart enough to keep the cover on to protect the car. Then I grabbed a cup of coffee and got to work. I took a break for breakfast at 10:30, checking on the kids briefly in between. Then I broke for lunch at 2:30. Back from 3-6pm.

I was totally negligent with the kids. They were truly free range today. Sadly, I don't think any of us left the house today. Ed probably walked to the raised beds to check on his garden. And I swept the garage. But that was it. The kids are totally content to stay inside. In fact, it's very difficult to get Gill to leave, for any reason.

No photos today.

In the news:
  • 1,013,157 cases worldwide, 52,938 deaths, 210,263 recovered
    • 243,453 in the U.S.; 115,242 in Italy (2nd place)
  • 1,834 cases in Missouri, 19 deaths, 21,191 tested
  • 552 cases in Kansas, 13 deaths
  • Dow Jones closes at 20,943

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Covid-19, Day 22: I can't get it outta my head

April 1, 2020

Once again, Ed and I worked hard today. So did the kids. Gill is working to keep up with the flurry of new information - what classes are offered, and when, and how to sign on, and what assignments are due on what day. I asked him for his email password; he's been missing things because he's not checking his email. He received 14 important, very relevant emails between 10am-2pm today. Which is ridiculous for a 9 year old.

Tid bits: Jonas stayed in his "alien" pajamas (union suit with hoodie, complete with antennae) all day. He took a bath, and put them back on. Gill will only eat cereal, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, nachos, gumbo juice and rice, or anything sweet. No sandwiches, no quiche (which I made from scratch for him), no grilled cheese, no roast beef, or breaded chicken, etc. It's so frustrating. I'm ready to let him starve. Seriously. He eats the school lunch no matter what it is. Why does he do this at home?

Biggest news of the day: Ed and I changed the fuel pump in the Corvair, and got it running! It look all of 20 minutes. Then we had to charge the battery, replace the air filter, back it out of the garage (for the 1st time in a year!), air up the tires, which were at 15 psi, clean the windshields, wipe it down, and take it for a spin. Now to get it inspected and renew the plates. And list it for sale.

No one really played an April Fools on anyone else. When the kids are in school, the come home with "Poisson d'Avril" which is the French April Fool's day, and somehow

Crossing our fingers for luck!

Celebrating the Corvair repair with some Abitas

Ed and I had dinner in the front yard. Sitting in chairs, drinking our beer, eating homemade Ethiopian. The Johnson family walked by (their cat had been lurking earlier so it felt like they were fully represented) and we yell-visited across the yard. 

As we ate, I happily discovered that the tulip bulbs I dug out of the trash at the beautiful Kauffman gardens last summer, then planted last October, are blooming! I had so many that I spread them all over the yard. Gotta love free!

First tulips of the season!
In the news:
  • 935,817 cases worldwide, 47,208 deaths, 193,700 recovered
    • 215,417 cases in the US, 110,574 in Italy (2nd)
    • 13,155 deaths in Italy, 9,387 in Spain (2nd)
  • 1,582 cases in Missouri, 81 deaths, 19430 tested
  • 482 cases in Kansas, 10 deaths
  • Dow Jones closed at 20,911
  • Fountain of Wayne's Adam Schlesinger died from Covid 19 today
    • I wish it had been a sick, twisted April Fool's joke

Covid-19, Day 21: Neighbors being neighborly

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Gill needed rosin for his violin. We could have ordered it from Amazon. Instead, we asked Adam, our neighbor and Gill's violin teacher.

The weather has been so nice; I'm eager to plant something. Our longtime neighbor, Phyllis, offered up some tiger lillies recently dug up from her yard.

Both gifts involved emails and no contact. Items were left on the stoop or side of the house. Friendly, but lonely.

Ed and I worked hard today, and the kids attended their online classes. Things went a bit more smoothly for Gill though we are still working out kinks.

Gill at his new desk (my old spot) using the Chromebook
and his gaming headset which glows green
In the news:
  • 857,957 cases worldwide, 42,139 deaths, 178,091 recoveries
    • 12,428 deaths in Italy, 8464 in Spain, 3,532 in France
  • 1,327 cases in Missouri, 14 deaths, 15,645 tested
  • 368 cases in Kansas, 8 deaths
  • 5,237 cases in Louisiana, 239 deaths, 1,355 in hospital
  • Dow Jones closes at 21,914
I read the Times Picayune to stay in touch with what's going on in Louisiana. It's very dismal there so I was happy to see this. 

This is how you Covid in NOLA - bikes and violins