Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Sickness (2/6/24)

Captains Log:

Over the weekend, Papa got a sore throat. He soldiered through 100 guests at our Party Gras, but by Sunday, he was drinking his home remedy: salted citrus and honey mixed with warm water.

On Monday, Mama got up and was a little more tired than usual. She dropped off Jonas and Gill at school and went to work. She'd been sneezing like crazy so she kept her office door closed. By 12:30, she was on the way home. By 4pm, her fever was 101.1. Papa continued to feel poorly.

Later that night, Mama attended chorus practice via Zoom and the boys went to Scouts. Jonas came back from Scouts indicating that he didn't feel well. Gill came back with a bruised heel. 

And Papa, who had diarrhea, got up in the middle of the night to empty his stomach.

Today, Tuesday, February 6th, all four us are home sick. As of 11:32 a.m., Gill is using crutches. Jonas is still abed. Papa is at his shoulder surgeon appt, wearing a mask of course. Mama is in bed working on her lap top, making occasional trips downstairs to fix food.

And the cat just threw up. 


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