Thursday, October 8, 2009


From 10/8/09

Jonas is still such a joy to us. Even though he's almost a year and a half old, I still find myself gazing at him in amazement when he sleeps, plays, eats, or any other activity! Sick, I know.

This morning, he did something different with his breakfast. He's a picky eater, but has been eating more lately, which makes me quite happy. After he finished with his pancakes, bacon, and bananas, he systematically piled each un-eaten morsel of food into the cup holder of his high chair. The other cup holder held his sippee, which is normal. I think he's trying to tell me he's done. Message received dear boy! Anything to keep you from throwing your breakfast onto the floor!

He continues to prefer to run from place to place rather than walk. He seems to fall less often, and hasn't bruised or injured his faced recently (knocking on wood). We are trying to institute good habits as part of our routine, like brushing teeth in the a.m. and p.m., reading books before bedtime, etc.

Jonas now attends Parents Day Out twice a week for 5 1/2 hours at a time, and a short daycare scenario at church for 2 hours. I'm actually on site, down the hall from him at the latter, which I enjoy because I get to peek in on him, which I do, often. I still agonize about leaving him. He starts to whimper and whine we he figures out what's up. And he always cries when I walk out, but I'm told this only lasts for a few minutes. His PDO teacher, Miss Jan, told me yesterday that he was voted "Most Imrpoved" in his class at Leawood Baptist.

Yes, we church hop. PDO is at Leawood Baptist, and the daycare deal is at The Village Presbyterian. Neither of these are the church we attend. The poor child is likely quite confused. He goes to 3 different churches every week! I hope I'm not scarring him for future religious confusion!

He still doesn't sleep through the night, but is easily soothed by his Papa who talks to him, and rubs his back. He still goes down with a bottle, and I'm trying to figure out how to phase that out. When he sees that bottle, it's like Nirvana for him. His eyes glaze as he raises his arms for it, and purses his lip into a perfect "O" of preparation for the nipple. I'm probably creating an oral fixation that will lead to cigarette smoking habit. He'll curse me on his death bed as he dies from lung cancer.

Good God! Can you believe I really have these thoughts?

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