Monday, March 14, 2011

The eyes of the beholder...

We have an older vacuum and I've run over the cord several times. This leaves some hot spots - areas of exposed wire. Because the boys are always at my feet, I often involve them in my household chores. After running the vacuum this past weekend, I decided to wrap the hot spots with electrical tape. Jonas sat with me on the stairs as I did this. At each point in the process, I explained what I was doing. "See this Jonas? It's called a power cord. These little spots have to be taped. And this special black tape is called electrical tape. Help me wrap it around the power cord." That's about how it went.

It was all normal and boring until Jonas took at piece of the tape, looking at it in true wonder. Then he said to me in a hushed voice, "It's beautiful Mama!"

That's when I felt the spirit of his grandpa Bill.

One day, he'll learn about his electrician roots, and especially about Grandpa Bill. He and his brother will always have answers to questions about electricity. There are lots of teachers in the family...their papa, Uncle Greg, Cousin Kyle. Even great Uncle Carl can teach them about nuclear energy.

1 comment:

desidou said...

LOL - I love this story. Can't wait to see what Poppa genes he's got, too. Oh my! What a combination of interesting genes those little fellows have!