He loves to try new foods, but he wants to pick it up with his own fingers. He doesn't trust me to put something tasty in his mouth. He especially loves baked beans. They end up all over his face.
Even though he enjoys most food, he ends up spitting out things that won't dissolve in his mouth because he doesn't have molars yet.
Bath time is always fun for him, and he giggles when we squirt him with his new bath toys. He loves to chew on straws, and bang things together. He's become a bit apprehensive about the dog, but will chase the cat anywhere. This is a bit ironic, as the cat will swipe her paw at him, but the dog simply runs away.
His favorite activity is to dig - in drawers, cabinets, wherever he can fit his busy little hands. Even though he can't see into them, he will empty drawers onto the floor and play with the contents. In the kitchen, he pulls out pots and pot lids, as well as baking pans and mixing spoons. He can make quite a racket!
He's become more interesting in having books read to him. Before, he wouldn't sit still long enough. He's not really interested in television, although we occasionally put Sesame Street or Clifford on for him.
He still loves to flush any toilet within sight. He works madly at the handle until he can get it to flush, then looks back at me with an expression of part wonderment and part pride.
We enjoy him every minute of the day.
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