Jonas did not get any candy for Halloween. His only treats were the carrots his mother pureed for him. But he has learned lots of new tricks.
He's pretty much sitting up on his own, although he's still a bit wobbly. He grabs everything within reach, including mom's hair, poppa's nose, eyeglasses, drinking glasses, the remote control, the phone, and any nearby food. He's learned how to spin his Leap Frog toy - I'm not sure what it's called, but it seems like an ABC oriented slot machine. He can now read the daily newspaper. Well, it's more like
eating the daily newspaper. (Don't worry Nonnie - Ed says it's soy-based ink). And speaking of eating, he is a pro with the spoon now. He loves his rice cereal, and has enjoyed squash, peas, carrots, and pears. He is not fond of apples.
Some of the things we're not so proud he's learned include: sleeping with mommy and poppa and not in his crib. Waking up every two hours for feedings. Taking 20 minute naps.
He still loves to smile at strangers, and can make his mom's heart melt with his lopsided grin. Like this one...

Yes, that was one of his Halloween costumes. I called him my little penguin. (Thanks for the t-shirt Aunt Desi!) But he was also a pumpkin (Thank you Nonnie!) This was the perfect outfit for bowling with his Poppa and fellow engineers: Andy, Erin, Dan, Chase, and Matt.

After his busy day of bowling and photo shoots, he was ready to hand out candy to the neighborhood kiddos. Next year, though, he'll be working the sidewalk, knocking on doors, and earning that candy!