Jonas is sleeping right now, and he's due to wake-up any moment, so I hope to get everything down. Otherwise, this post will be in the "saved" rather than "published" column for weeks before anyone sees it!
A housekeeping note: I've begun to blog again at practicingpatience as we're going to try another round of IVF.
Back to the j-boy. He is so precious, and brings us so much joy. Although it sounds trite, I love to hear the pitter patter of his feet as he runs around the house. Yes, he's running now. And tripping. And falling. All of that good stuff that makes your heart hurt.
Lately, he's begun to dance, and boy it's funky. He is such a white boy. Basically, he bends his knees while simultaneously lifting one elbow up and down. I think he's trying to move his shoulders but hasn't quite figured out how yet. He has a few favorite toys, including two books, that play horrible sounding tinny music.
And speaking of books, he has several non-musical favorites, including Brown Bear, What Color is Your Underwear?, and Peekaboo Bath time. He especially loves any books with moving parts.
He is a picky eater, and will throw blueberries and other assorted rejected foods directly onto the floor. He does this with a great scream and decisive movements. Some of the food he does like - mashed banana with cinnamon sugar (Ed pointed out that this is basically a banana's foster, which is my favorite dessert) or almond butter, baked beans, guacamole, toast, and juice. He will snack on Annie's chocolate bunnies or gold fish, and also likes veggie straws, graham crackers, and all other junk food. Sometimes he likes to munch on apples. He'll occasionally eat beets, green beans, and apples. He is not fond of meat yet, except for pepperoni directly off of a pizza.
Yes, we are indulgent parents, but I'm sure that's already been apparent in our postings.
Looks like my time is up!!!